Our very own Carmen McCracken wins Silver in the prestigious Wella Trend Vision Awards 2020:

“In 2020 I am proud to say that I won silver for uk and Ireland in The Wella trendvision awards.

With 2020’s pandemic the competition was turned upside down by the arrival of COVID-19, resulting in a new online format of the competition.

This was a great introduction to the competition as it was my first year entering.

When I was waiting at home to see if I had got through to the first round I was so excited as this gave me something to look forward to during lockdown.
When it was finally confirmed that I was as a finalist as we were still off work it gave me lots of time to plan and work on my look for my model.

As soon as we were allowed back into the salon to work again I was able to prepare my model for the final round, we then had a photo shot day in the salon to enter the next round.

Although I did miss all the buzz and excitement of the real competition it was a lot less pressure and I was able to relax and concentrate on my work.

I cannot wait until I have the opportunity to work on a model again in the proper competition setting and push myself for gold the next time.”